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Using the Stepper component

Using the Stepper component

This component is used to display a list of steps that the user can navigate through. Like the useStepper hook, the Stepper component does not have its own style. It is up to you to style it. The stepper component has a prop called as to help with this. So, you can use your own component to be the stepper.

The headless-stepper provides two components to build your own stepper: Stepper and Step. Let's see how to use them.

Starting from the basic

The Stepper component is a wrapper around the useStepper hook. It takes the same props as the hook, and it also takes an as prop to render the stepper.

Let's build a simple stepper that has 3 steps.

import { Stepper, Step } from 'headless-stepper/components';
const MyAwesomeStepper = () => {
  return (
    <Stepper currentStep={0}>
      <Step label="Step 1">Step 1 content</Step>
      <Step label="Step 2">Step 2 content</Step>
      <Step label="Step 3">Step 3 content</Step>
export default MyAwesomeStepper;

As we can see, is easy to build a simple wizard. But, we can do better. Let's improve the stepper by adding a disabled step. The Stepper component will automatically disable the steps that are not reachable.

import { Stepper, Step } from 'headless-stepper/components';
const MyAwesomeStepper = () => {
  return (
    <Stepper currentStep={0}>
      <Step label="Step 1">Step 1 content</Step>
      <Step label="Step 2" disabled>
        Step 2 content
      <Step label="Step 3">Step 3 content</Step>
export default MyAwesomeStepper;

The above code will be rendered as:

  import { Stepper, Step } from 'headless-stepper/components';

const MyAwesomeStepper = () => {
  return (
    <Stepper currentStep={0}>
      <Step label="Step 1">Step 1 content</Step>

      <Step label="Step 2" disabled>
        Step 2 content

      <Step label="Step 3">Step 3 content</Step>

export default MyAwesomeStepper;

Using the as prop

Both the Stepper and Step components have an as prop. This prop is used to render the component that will be used as.

Let's improve the stepper by using the as prop to render a group of steps. To do this, we will use the Mantine UI (opens in a new tab) as UI library.

import { Stepper, Step } from 'headless-stepper/components';
import { MantineProvider, Button, Group, Container, Box } from '@mantine/core';
const MyAwesomeStepper = () => {
  return (
    <MantineProvider withGlobalStyles withNormalizeCSS>
      <Container mt="lg">
        <Stepper as={Group} currentStep={0} className="example">
          <Step as={Button} label="Step 1">
            <Box>Step 1 content</Box>
          <Step as={Button} label="Step 2" disabled>
            Step 2 content
          <Step as={Button} label="Step 3">
            Step 3 content
export default MyAwesomeStepper;

  import { Stepper, Step } from 'headless-stepper/components';
  import { MantineProvider, Button, Group, Container, Box } from "@mantine/core";

  const MyAwesomeStepper = () => {
    return (
      <MantineProvider withGlobalStyles withNormalizeCSS>
      <Container mt="lg">
        <Stepper as={Group} currentStep={0} className="example">
          <Step as={Button} label="Step 1">
            Step 1 content

          <Step as={Button} label="Step 2" disabled>
            Step 2 content

          <Step as={Button} label="Step 3">
            Step 3 content

  export default MyAwesomeStepper;

We can see that the as prop is really helpful for personalizing the stepper. To depict the steps, you can use any component you choose. Point out that line 9, which creates a Group component, and that each line that has a Step component creates a Button component to represent the Steps.

Accessibility notes

The Stepper component is fully accessible. It uses the useStepper hook to manage the state of the stepper. So, you can use the keyboard to interact with the stepper.

Keyboard interaction

Keyboard keyDescription
TabFocus on first step or focus on the current step
ArrowLeftGo to previous step.
ArrowRightGo to next step.
EnterSelect the focused step.
SpaceSelect the focused step.